Shopping for someone else but not sure what to give them? Give them the gift of choice with a The Bang Threads & Espresso gift card.
Voucher will be emailed to the email address that is entered as contact at checkout or alternatively you can pick up a hard copy in store.
Please contact us on if you have any questions or need any alterations to the voucher.
If you need us to email the voucher to the recipient please enter their details in 'SHIPPING DETAILS'
If you would prefer us to email you the voucher to then forward on please enter their name in the 'NOTES' section.
Our gift cards have no additional processing fees.
Free Express Shipping with Australia Post for all Order's over $100 Australia Wide.
Flat Rates apply for orders under $100.
Standard - $10.00
Express - $15.00
We will happily exchange a product or provide a credit note for full priced items within 21 days. We do apologise, we do not provide refunds unless the item it deemed faulty. For more informtation, please check out our return policy page.